7 Tips on Using Salesforce for Better Customer Retention


Customer Retention Rate (CRR) is a figure that encourages you to see how great your procedures are working in keeping your existing clients cheerful and making them want to keep working with your organization (retention). Client retention starts with the simple early introduction and the contact that a client has with your organization, and follow-ups all through the exchange and your organization’s association with them. For instance, a client may start this relationship when they “like” your Facebook page. That relationship won’t end except if they unlike your page, or other comparable activities like not opening your email advertising efforts, and expelling themselves from your subscriber’s list.

As indicated by NG Data, client retention is quicker and, by and large, costs up to seven times lesser than what it costs in client acquisition. This is on account of pitching to clients who you as of now have an association with is more viable. You don’t need to draw in, educate, and convert them right from the scratch.

7 Outstanding Ways to Use Salesforce to Boost Customer Retention

This why companies these days are doing everything that they can to retain the customers that they already have than to acquire new ones. Salesforce CRM is an amazing CRM tool that can help you deal with it in a very easy manner. Here is a list of 7 Outstanding Ways to Use Salesforce to Boost Customer Retention

1). Use Integrations to Collate All Your Customer Data in One Place 

Gone are the days when the sales and the marketing teams were working in information silos and were at one another’s throats at each chance.

A standout amongst the most basic approaches to change over the association with a client into a significant one is by tackling the issues in a convenient manner. Regardless of how much basic this assignment may look like but for all intents and purposes, it is a dreary activity. The organizations utilize different apparatuses and heap applications among the distinctive groups which give rise to the expanding business storehouses and diminishing proficiency issues. The straightforward answer for this issue is to integrate the framework and data midway.

Let us just say that your marketing group utilizes Marketo, Service group utilizes Zendesk and your Sales group utilizes Salesforce go for integration of them with Salesforce integration and add the information from Marketo and Zendesk and add it to the particular client record in Salesforce. This way you have all the data in one place.

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2). Take Advantage of Customer Data and Personalize

Over the span of your associations with your clients, you’ve most likely assembled a ton of information about them. On the off chance that you’ve pursued the above tip, you’ve coordinated this information into Salesforce. You would now be able to take control of the client relationship and utilize the information to do things such as customize your messages so they resound with your clients. Why? Since clients need to feel exceptional and special and they love it.

3). Improved Customer Service

It is critical to give legitimate and on time administration to the clients. On the off chance that you work well for them there is a high plausibility that you will have the capacity to hold your arrangement of faithful clients. Post sales it is extremely basic to manage the client’s reasonable grievances. Salesforce Implementation Service cloud gives a coordinated client benefit stage for this purpose.

Client Interactions are never simply constrained to sending auspicious offers and rebates however an expansive piece of it incorporates dealing with their issues in an opportune manner. By means of Salesforce Service Cloud, the business group can get to the applicable data and monitor the status of the issue to be prepared. Salesforce gives all of you conceivable contact elements and will enable you to instantly get in touch with the client and handle the issue quickly. 

4). Recognize the Reason Why Customers Are Leaving

Postponed administrations and terrible client bolster are the principle reasons why clients leave. Salesforce Wave Analytics can enable you to delve further into client conduct and draw significant bits of knowledge. Salesforce Field Service Lightning has the capacity to speak with the conveyance drivers progressively which prompt the decrease in postponed conveyances.

Engagement analytics can give you perceivability into client premiums and restored premium levels. Just the way these devices are being utilized to demonstrate prospect commitment, they can likewise be utilized to indicate client commitment. Perhaps you had a client who had set a specific proposition aside for later a while back. Utilizing constant commitment examination, you see that your client has re-opened that proposition. This gives you important knowledge in regards to re-established intrigue, so you can catch up on this chance.

5). Integrate Salesforce with Your Customer Service Platform

As per the most recent research from Accenture, 52% of shoppers have switched their suppliers (overall ventures) because of poor client benefit. In the US, the assessed aggregate of lost income because of poor client benefit is $1.6 trillion. Indeed, you read that right, $1.6 trillion. We all realize that client benefit is the new way of marketing and the more powerful approach to holding steadfast clients, yet as the details appear, numerous organizations come up short at it. 72% of clients say that disclosing their concern to various individuals adversely affected how they see that business.

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You can limit this by coordinating Salesforce with your client benefit stage. Your client benefit group will then approach all client data, helping them monitor any remarkable client issues and keeping issues from getting lost despite a general sense of vigilance. This way you can settle more customer issues and prevent issues from falling through the cracks.

6). Track Customer Interaction

On the off chance that your client hasn’t been in contact for more than a couple of months, regardless of whether to make a purchase or download another digital book, odds are you’re losing that client. You can track all your client interaction in Salesforce via looking through the date fields and arranging them by date of the last contact.

Even better, automate this procedure with the target that it’s drawn out on your dashboard to take care of on a week after week or month to month basis. At that point, check with your clients and extend them an offer dependent on their past communications. With Salesfro4ce you can easily run reports of any client’s interactions of the last six months in a single view.

7). Deploy Better Analytics for Better Services

Salesforce Einstein Analytics is an amazing device from Salesforce that will positively support the development and profitability of your business. With the native integration feature from Salesforce, the marketing group can associate with the cloud information. Besides, you can progressively investigate the data and work as per the patterns. The best thing is the teams can oversee information from any remote area.


Customer Retention is one of the biggest pillars on which the profit systems of your business enterprise depend. You must be aware of the cost involved in the process of acquiring a new customer than maintaining an existing one. You can use some of the above ways to your advantage and improve your customer retention rate significantly. I hope these tips would help you in gaining a new ground with your customers. Good Luck!

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