All About Salesforce Lead Generation


Leads are inescapably the most noteworthy elements for any business firm or organization which is dependent on Salesforce.

What is Salesforce?

It is a product from an American cloud computing company (with a market capitalization above $55 billion). Salesforce capitalizes on commercial applications of social networking.A salesforce user can basically configure the CRM application with the help of tabs in the system, namely “Contacts”, “Reports”, and “Accounts”. Each one of these tabs facilitates user-defined custom fields. At a “platform” level, configured applications can be added to a Salesforce instance via customization applied as per every vertical or function. These could range through finance, human resources, marketing, sales etc. Additionally, salesforce uses a user-generated database which frequently gets updated.

What is a salesforce lead?

A Salesforce is basically a prospective client who is interested in your product. He or she could be a manager who in involved in the services that are offered by a company. Sometimes, professionals who are researching or are inquisitive about certain product features also become leads, just as regular users who respond positively to marketing campaigns do.

What is the first step of establishing a lead?

Recognizing the previously discussed potential customers and classifying them as a lead constitutes the very first step in the process of achieving certain positive outcomes within the sales pipeline.

A fundamental aspect of Salesforce funnel is the precise assignment of:

  • Lead
  • Account
  • Contact

At JanBask, we make the entire process easy for you. We take care of and implement some set of rules, according to your business needs, so that it becomes easy for you to determine what constitutes a lead and its allied opportunity.

How can you generate leads using Salesforce?

Salesforce is basically a subscription-based tool which is popular for its customer relationship management (CRM) efficiency, as we already know. With us, you can keep track of correspondence, data and sales that is crucial for your business contacts in the first place. In case you require a new contact in the database, we will help you to go through the basic steps, with proper user end training, so that you can save leads into your system, if needed.

In order to generate leads in Salesforce, you need to do the following:

  • First of all, you have to sign into your Salesforce account.
  • Then you should go to the “Leads” tab. It is to the left of all horizontal options in the registered Salesforce account.
  • Then you should go to the business account that is associated with a given lead.
  • Here, you should click on the “New Contact” button. In case the prospects express interest,you can add them into Salesforce. We always suggest that converting leads always adds value to your company. This is the predominant factor for any business to thrive. We are always ready to guide you through the process as well as help you create leads in your Salesforce account.
  • Then you are required to fill in relevant information about the lead.
  • The last step is to “Save” the contact into your database.
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In case the above steps are not comprehensible, we are here to help you out! Our expert Salesforce squad is ready to help you identify, create and save leads 24×7,as well as generate better leads every single time!

Coming back to the point, as a business owner, we are sure that you must have encountered the issue of insufficient leads at some point.

Every business owner has a common problem, that is – ‘Not enough leads’!

Did you ever consider calling back all the people on your website who missed out on filling out a form? With us, you can now easily track and market every single anonymous web visitor as well as create leads out of them, in a jiffy!

Understanding Leads from Salesforce, with us

It is a thumb rule that we follow. We always tell our clients that a Lead analogous to a business card!

Most of the times, a lead is expressed as an interest. Moreover, one must take a note that a Lead in Salesforce could be:

  • a person
  • and not a business!

Although this person could be a part of a company, with whom we generally do business with.

A basic rule is that any new person associated with an organization must be entered into the Salesforce database as a ‘Lead’. This is because, businesses have an unlimited supply of prospects. So they need to should enter every single new prospects like a ‘Lead’.

Where do all these‘Leads’ get stored?

Every Lead has the potential to transform into a deal through Salesforce. Such a Lead can be classified as:

  • Either qualified
  • Or not qualified

In case of qualified Leads, we take care to convert them.

A converted Lead on Salesforce can be treated as an Account or a Contact by our experts. On the other hand, an Account is an actual business or company, and the Contact is generally the person from your Lead.

In our service, we treat an Account as a label for a business or one that people work with.

Now, another important thing is on converting a Lead into Account/Contact, there is always the option to converting it into an Opportunity, that is the prospect is associated with revenue. We help you identify the same.

On converting a Lead,you uncover several revenue opportunities. Such an Opportunity is generally a potential future sale and the essence of a sales funnel.

How can you/your business define an Opportunity using Salesforce?

Don’t worry, we are here to help you outline the same, as well as help you identify a discernible lead.

  • While the process that we follow to do so, differs from one business to another, the basic formula is generally the same, as the platform is always Salesforce.
  • A recommendation that we generally give out to our clients is,basically to have rigorous standards in place, as far as Opportunity conversion is concerned.
  • Besides, we always target to move your Leads out of the ‘Lead category’and make it an‘Opportunity’so that in the future, these opportunities become‘Accounts and Contacts’.
  • The probability to create Opportunities surely comes up with our straightforward Salesforce Lead Generation services, at a later date. But for it to happen, this Opportunity needs to stick to some rules:
    • A projected closure time
    • A projected revenue
    • Competitor set to be considered for the project
    • The final decision maker
    • The business challenge that is solved
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Generally, our experts advise you to create an Opportunity only with key details around the above rules/ areas.

For that matter, is only a tool!

In the end, it is a tool designed to embed an existing business processes into its framework. It is not Salesforce, but our expertise that will help your sales teams sell more, by generating more leads.

  • With us, your organization can have a dedicated framework about the way it wants to treat its Leads and Opportunities, before setting up a CRM.
  • We will help you extract the complete potential of this powerful CRM –
  • We will help you take the above discussed rules as well as provide you with simple and effective automation ideas so that data becomes easily accessible.

So how can we help you leverage the potential of this tool?

Our certified development teams will configure your business website. Here, we will track all your website visitors without fail as well as record relevant data such as the following:

  • Geographical Location
  • Referring Website
  • Search Term
  • UTM Campaign Parameters

So, unlike Google Analytics, that shows very generic and anonymous results, we will help you scrutinize every single visitor and gather their information to understand your business performance better.

  • For example, a visitor based in Austin, Texas is from a company called ABC Corp. just visited your sire.
  • We will tell you that this visitor has spent a good 8 minutes on your website and has been through more than 2 webpages.
  • We even tell you their search entry and what keyword it hit.

This is only a small way in which we help you turn a visitor into a potential Lead through Salesforce!

As soon as you click “Create Lead”, the anonymous visitor gets converted into a fully-fledged Salesforce Lead.

Thereafter, it becomes a qualified lead which can be taken up by your outbound sales team. Thereafter you can call the company, locate a relevant person, and eventually jump start the sales process.

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[…] also gets updated and locked and due to this lock the CRM performance may get affected. As per the Salesforce recommendation, with a single main account, do not associate more than 10,000 child accounts. For this you can […]

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