5 Considerable Qualities of Salesforce Consultant


Since many organizations have started using Salesforce CRM, so the demand of Salesforce consultant has also become high. The reason behind this is that the organizations which are using Salesforce software platform need an in-house Salesforce consultant, which can be a cost-efficient option for them to satisfy their customized Salesforce development requirements. However, there are a number of consultancies, which provide the consultant, but any in-house Salesforce consultant can evaluate and check the CRM performance as and when needed. While hiring any consultant, you must look for certain qualities, which are discussed in this article.

To keep your business growing at the top speed the organizations needs a certified and trusted consultant or advisor, who can provide them the right solution of their problem at the right time. Organizations use Salesforce as it offers improved the relationship with the customers, better corporate collaboration and increases the efficiency of employees and business along with this it can also decrease the administrative task and responsibilities. Now to implement the Salesforce and train your team, so that they can know that how could they use it most efficiently, you need a Salesforce expert, who can guide and train your employees and provide you the best solution.

Infographic 5 Things to look for in Your Salesforce Consultant

Infographic 5 Things to look for in your Salesforce Consultant

So, it is better to hire a trained Salesforce professional or consultant with the following listed qualities

  • Certified Consultant

Lots of people can portray themselves as Salesforce consultant, but it does not mean that they will be more aware of the Salesforce intricacies. While hiring or outsourcing any Salesforce consultant there is no harm to ensure that the person has valid Salesforce consultant certification. However, through Salesforce website you can check it online as well. Addition of new features in Salesforce may require a Salesforce consultant to get trained so that they can provide a aquick and efficient solution to the organizational problems.

There are a number of certifications, offered by Salesforce and they have the certain validity period as well, associated with them. While hiring the consultant to check the certification with validity. Hiring the certified professional can be a guarantee of long-lasting and proven support of the consultant as an employee. Moreover, experienced and certified professionals can also provide timely support to the organization in resolving any of their problems by providing a timely and efficient solution.

  • Past Working Experience of the Consultant

It is clear that a certified Salesforce consultant can help the organizations in finding the best solution to their problem in an atimely manner, but for this, they will have to work with the existing team or the employees. There are a number of platform-based solutions offered by Salesforce like Sales Cloud, Service Cloud, Marketing Cloud and others to expand and connect the business with others, these platforms may need to be customized as well as per their organizational needs. So the consultant must have proven working experience with the platform, mainly with the team.

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Team management and collaboration may also be a skill, which the consultant may require while working in the organization. So, while hiring the consultant, you may ask the following question to them:

  • Have they led any project?
  • Have they presented any information to their seniors?
  • Have they researched and documented any project?
  • Have they ever been awarded by their previous company or published their paper ever?
  • With how many departments they have interacted for the project like Sales, Marketing, Operations, HR, and others?
  • What is their experience in handling similar projects?
  • Can they give the demo of their work for any of the previous work projects?

Such types of above-listed questions may help you in evaluating the working experience of the employee.

  • Technical Expertise

While hiring the Salesforce expert for the organization, it is best to ensure the technical expertise of the employee. To ensure the technical ability of the employee, one can check the certification and the area of expertise of the consultant, which can be Salesforce administrator, developer or Implementation expert. A background check can also be done by the candidate to ensure his technical capability. The consultants can be experts in design and strategic implementation for any specific department like Sales, Marketing or for Sales cloud or service cloud. Technical expertise is a pre-requisite for the organizations, which do not have technical teams with them. Even Salesforce developers are certified and can help the organizations to develop the customized app for the operations, performed in various organizational departments.

  • Communication Skill

For the profile of Salesforce consultant,one of the required and important skill is his communication ability. All the consultants are not able to communicate effectively with their colleagues or seniors, moreover, as they have to convey their ideas to their team members or other departments, so they must possess both technical and business management skills. They must be able to understand the organizational needs and goals and come up with the solution of the organizational problems.

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Their idea to improve the business, using CRM is quite vital and they must be able to convey their ideas not only to the specific department, instead to all the organizational employees. Various interdepartmental and many times with the business partners the person may have to discuss the business strategies and for that strong communication, skill is the basic requirement, which can be fulfilled by the Salesforce consultant, if and only if he has the perfect and strong communication skills. The CRM is implemented in various organizational departments, so the Salesforce consultant may have to train the departmental employees and for that various internal meetings may have to organize as well. Strong communication skill is also important for proper information flow between various departments of the organization.

  • Ability to Understand the Organizational Needs

Salesforce CRM is being used by a number of organizations, including Non-profit, Financial, Educational, healthcare and much more. The Salesforce consultant, who, you will hire may be an expert in any specific area or any specific application. Your company may and may not need the similar solution like their previous organization. Ensure that the consultant is listening to your needs and understand the current requirement of your organization.

Many times certification may not be the guarantee of the skill-set and experience of the consultant. As a solution to such problem while hiring the consultant you can ask them, whether they have worked with any similar project in the past? If so, then only you should hire the consultant, by doing this you may need not to be worried about their capabilities and the time to explain the business operations may also be saved. A certified and experienced Salesforce Consultants can be an asset to the organization.

Wrapping Up

As a cloud-based CRM has become a necessity for the organizations, which want to serve their customers in an efficient manner. So, in order to implement the CRM and use it properly, it is important to hire a perfect and witty Salesforce professional, who can help you in each of your organizational needs and provide you quick solution either technical or non-technical. There are a number of Salesforce consultancies, but hiring any non-eligible professional may not be worth to you.

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