Salesforce Consulting Partner – Encourage adoption with the Trailblazers


Organizations don’t realize ROI on its products or technology until people don’t start using the products to drive the final business outputs. With the right skills and technology, this is possible to design a highly innovative product but driving the potential audience to your business is an art. Without people, your system is just a waste of valuable efforts.

The objective of Salesforce consulting partners is not only to design a successful CRM product but to encourage its adoption among people to enhance your business ROI. In this blog, we will discuss the key areas that are followed by the successful Salesforce consulting partners to make a CRM project a big hit in the future.

Why most of the CRM projects fail?

The success rate of CRM projects is very low among organizations. The reason behind the failure of CRM project is low adoption even if it is successfully implemented. Without people and users, any CRM product is just a tool or empty shell with low intrinsic value.

The most important thing that needs to be focused on by Companies and your Salesforce consulting partner is to stimulate adoption so that it can become a valuable data asset in future.

Secrets of Success: Encourage adoption with the trailblazers!

1). Everyone should take the same language

Everyone in the Salesforce development team should use the same language because the words like Lead, Capture, Implement, Prospect, Fulfill etc. could have the different meaning for the different people.

For example, if we talk about the “Lead” then it may be just as the source of information like Name, Email address or phone number etc for the marketing team. At the same time, the same word signifies a qualified lead for the salespeople.

For any consulting Company, this is necessary that they understand the terminology deeply without any confusion to encourage adoption and increase the success rate of your CRM product too.

2). Tips for Salesforce system usage and successful adoption by users

Here are few most important tips that should be followed by every organization. once CRM development team has completed has their job precisely.

  • Make sure that Salesforce CRM system will be the single source of information inside organizations to manage customer relationships. If there is any other system that contains customer data then it should be integrated with Salesforce CRM overtime so that Company can achieve a 360-degree view of your customers.
  • Salesforce CRM system should not be taken as the spy machine if any misuse the system for political or personal reasons then it needs immediate attention.
  • The data entered into Salesforce system should be good enough to make meaningful decisions by the Companies and allocate resources at different levels of the Company to keep your customers satisfied.
  • SFDC (Salesforce Dot Com) system has the capability to filter emails, remove duplicate data entries and set the priorities for tasks.
  • The spreadsheet or paper records prepared outside the SFDC should not be accepted as a standard format for data storage.
  • With the Salesforce Lightning development, the user-interfaces have become smoother where most of the work can be managed by the people themselves instead of invoking any manual workarounds.
  • Obviously, you cannot expect success in one attempt only but the careful usage of system surely improves the performance and encourage adoption overtime.
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3). Set Clear goals and achieving them is an iterative process

When you try to switch towards Salesforce CRM product from an ordinary CRM system then you already have touched the edges of innovation. An experienced Salesforce consulting partner does not only improve the overall appearance of your system but moves towards goals and helps you to achieve them through an iterative step-by-step process.

The Salesforce consultant helps you to build a successful CRM product and asks to test the product against a number of users to get the real-time feedback from the people. The next important thing is to implement the changes as suggested by the users and neglect the things that are not relevant to the system.

Once you are on the right track, this is the right time to direct resources or a detailed progress.From the agile mindset, all the information about the customers can be seen together at a single place and begin to wonder.

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4). Workflow automation is the key to success

Complexity is seen somewhere either in the technology implementation, the business process alignment, and the adoption by users. Salesforce consultants focus on process and the system to relieve the complexities related to the users.

Also, this is necessary that all important information should live inside the system to manage the complexity. Here, workflow automation is the key working towards smooth technology implementation, the business process alignment, and the adoption by users.

5). Adoption is about handling customers individually

Adoption can surely be improved or encourage when people are acknowledged against their inputs. Here, there is emergency need of encouraging users individually so that everyone in the team could get the relevant feedback. At the same creation of heroes, everyday can improve the adoption level significantly.

6). Adoption Metrics

The adoption metrics should be defined by the Salesforce consulting Company during an early stage of the project. An experienced Salesforce consultant makes sure that prepared metrics is relevant to your business and it can be used to judge the acceptance of any Salesforce CRM product among people.

There are few people within the organization or outside the organization try to criticize your system but you need to explain the importance of Salesforce CRM product the way you do your business. A proper support and information is the only way to avoid resistance in the adoption.

Wrapping Up:

Till the time, we discussed on successful consultants’ adoption cycle to increase the overall success rate of the project. So, who are the right people to encourage or driving the adoption, it may be the organization itself, your Salesforce consulting partner, the salespeople or maybe all of three.

The primary task is bringing all the right people together in the room to frame the workshop. Now define the vision clearly that needs to be achieved in a particular time frame. Once everything is et on the right track, the adoption conversions would also accelerate among people that matter the most for any organization.

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