6 Considerable Factors For AWS Migration


Day by day many organizations are migrating to the public cloud of AWS or Amazon web services. Cloud technology provides scalability, efficiency and agility to the organizations but also brings a number of technical challenges for the organizations. Even many organizations adopts a hybrid cloud approach by 2017. Migrating from traditional on-premise IT infrastructure to cloud technology can be a daunting and challenging task and may need proper IT skills. For traditional enterprises, it can be a challenging aspect to migrate to Amazon Web Services and involve following listed challenges, which can be overcome with the help of any experienced AWS migration service provider:


  • Security and Availability


Security and availability of handling and migrating your data to the public AWS cloud can be a daunting task and of major concern for you, to be present on the public cloud. Public cloud service providers adhere to strict protocols to maintain and implement higher security levels in comparison to on-premise security compliances, as they have more resources to provide better security.


A number of organizations avoided migration for a long tome due to security issue, but gradually with the time they have realized that public cloud migration can provide them better security rather than on-premise and can be advantageous as well. AWS has industry compliant cloud infrastructure, and can implement the service level agreement and protect user data in a better way. To implement the proper security you a completely proficient and expert AWS migration service provider can help you better.


  • Cloud Finance:


Finance is a major concern for every organization, while migrating to the cloud and for this different organizations may have there own choices and preferences, considering their budget. For a few organizations it may be good to invest on purchasing new equipments for their infrastructure, while for other cloud approach may be good, where they do not have to invest on any hardware and they have to only bear the operational cost according to their future need.


For the organizations where every month the data center needs keep on changing, it is good to have cloud implementation. You must compare and chose the approach, more suitable for your organization either on-premise or cloud or a hybrid approach. For this you can consult with any IT cloud service implementation provider and implement the service.

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  • Rehost or Rebuild


For moving any in-house application to the cloud requires some pre preparation. For IaaS there are mainly two options one is rehosting of your existing application and the other is rebuilding a new one. Rehosting is known as lift and shift approach, in which without making major changes in the application architecture it can be migrated to cloud, but they can not be able to utilize the cloud advantages like horizontal scalability, as they would be built on vertical integrated hardware.


A few of the the applications like big data analysis or image rendering must use re-built approach, where the original code is scrapped and replaced with a newer one. Rebuilding can be time consuming and costly process. Here the deciding factor while chosing anyone of them can be security and cost of the workloads. There are a number of AWS cloud solution service providers, you can consult them get the quote and choose the approack, which suits better for you.


  • Right Beginning


When you move your business to the cloud, select the right apps and services to move as if initially they will be migrated properly and successfully, it will make the whole application migration successful, whereas failing of initial implementation may demotivate the rest migration process steps execution.


Choose the projects, which are easy to migrate and will be successfully migrated like migration of any non-critical application. Ensure that the complete migration environment is transparent, so that if needed you can use the monitoring and log system later, which may have insightful information of your past events. If you will know your cloud environment, then your success rate may go higher. IT consulting firms can help you in selecting the right module for migration.


A smooth migration can be done with the help of right guidance, so hiring such an certified and expert professional for AWS migration service can not only provide success to your business, instead can execute the complete migration process within specified time limit.


  • Be ready to handle your Staff Apprehension:


Your IT department is working with your existing on-premise infrastructure for many years, so are familiar to it. You may face staff apprehension, if you will bring a drastic change by shifting the system to a newer technology, te=hen they might not welcome it and may think that it can jeopardize their job. So you must motivate your employees and encourage them to use the new system, provide them complete training for the cloud technology.

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To provide training to your staff, you can take the help of your migration service provider, as they are trainees professionals, so know how to handle the new system, and will be able to clarify all doubts of your staff members. There may be quite technicalities involved in the cloud system, so just ask them to train your staff, so that they can use it properly.


  • Metric Collection and Log Analysis:


As now you have moved to a central system , so it is must to have a properly and centrally managed data system. AWS will provide you a highly dynamic and scalable environment, which has a new type of metric collection and log analytics. So, centralized data is as much important as at anytime, you may feel that the server, from where you were accessing the data earlier, does not exist anymore. For successful AWS migration, it is important to centrally manage the data collection.


According to AWS CTO Werner Vogels, after AWS implementation, the organizations will be able to access thousands of servers, running a number of applications, so more log files will be generated. To get success in AWS implementation, IT organizations must maintain the central log to measure their performance. Moreover, the organizations must ensure that their system is running in a safe environment and is highly operational and scalable after implementation of AWS.


You can ask your migration service provider to implement the AWS migration service properly and train your employees to maintain the log centrally, so that the metric collection can be done properly.




Mainly AWS is a choice of public IaaS and to migrate the application successfully to the new AWS, it is must to execute every migration step, carefully. A planned and successful implementation can be done, with the help of any experienced and trained AWS migration service providers. So if you are planning to adopt this new scalable technology for your business operation, then hire an expert professional and discuss all of your concern before execution of the process.

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